A series of interconnected short films are the backdrop for a maniac screenwriter who pitches insane storylines featuring some of Hollywoods biggest and brightest.
This movie is funny. Somehow it got a bad reputation. Its way better than supposed comedy classucks like stupid _Caddyshack_ or dumb _Animal House_. Try watching those now. Maybe there are one or two funny scenes in each of those overrated films. _Movie 43_ has many laugh-out-loud moments. Its a bunch of short skits like the over-hyped _Kentucky Fried Movie_ but unlike that steaming pile, this is well crafted. Also, there are two versions of this. The little thread of a story between the skits is different depending on the version you watch. I think it got bad reviews because of ultra sensitive, politically correct critics. People really need to lighten up. 9/10 stars.